

Here we go. Let’s bring to light the few bands who have left us in critical condition. I am not referring to the talented rack-n-roll phenom that our parents bestowed upon us (even though sometimes The Beatles and Led zeppelin are all you really need). I’m not talking about the feeling you get when Ace of Base comes on. Or how excited you are when some trashy radio jam makes you dance. I am talking about OUR favorite bands: the ones that we had the pleasure of seeing through the years. The ones that have gradually become a part or our life, embedded in our mindset, and completely relatable to those dramatic heart-wrecking moments any young adolescent faces. For US they were STARS, CLOUD CULT,  and BRAND NEW.

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we love to make your ears happy


Yes, our title is a little arrogant but it’s all for the love. The love of music of course and not all music lets be very clear.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions this is America you know but we live by a certain set of standards. If you’re looking for some new age clatter of random household objects alongside an out of tune female voice making cat sounds type of “really trendy you never heard anything like this” stuff…you will not find it. The idea behind this blog is pretty simple. We love love music. The type of love that you always come back to, never stray far from, sometimes fight till the death, scream, cry and want to smother. Also the type of love that lifts you, makes you weightless, completely clarifies, enlightens, gives you tunnel vision (and not the creepy kind, the beautiful, all I know is you and that’s all I ever need to know feeling) and makes you want to love. If you can relate, then you’re in. Don’t get angry if we throw in some really popular radio jams because everyone needs a good laugh. Don’t get upset if we bash a song you really enjoy because we are not god or any other higher being so our word is not the end all be all. It’s just our opinion. And last of all enjoy the music because in reality we just want to share all the music we adore and all the music that inspires us with our friends and family. Welcome home.