


When I first heard the song, Open by Rhye, I closed my eyes and felt it tingle down my forearm. The room became colder or was it just me. Did someone open the window? My heart stopped beating or so I thought. I couldn’t feel correctly, I thought about you and I thought about running away. I thought about escaping the confines of New York City and breathing life into everything around me. Is this what it feels like to feel? To be free and lost at the same time? I found my new home in this song. Nostalgia was always a friend of mine.

The duo Rhye which consists of Mike Milosh and Robin Hannibal have created pure musical romantics out of anyone who happens to listen. They take your hand and lead you slowly through these uncharted  breathless open waterways guided by soft spoken strings and woodwinds. Mike Milosh’s voice is a whisper moving closer to you. Pulling you. Quietly, you can feel every vein in your body burst. Their new Album, Woman, makes you remember all the things you would have done for love. All the things you did do for love. And all the things you are doing for love.

An album of such intimacy doesn’t just happen. There is always a background story to any great romance and I’m referring to myself and this song. Milosh who is only 23 years old (I am serious.) married his longtime sweetheart Alexa Nikolas about a year ago. This young couple embodies the overwhelming and sometimes confusing psychological affairs of the heart. He lets them unravel on your bedroom floor casually building a nest to house the love, fear, confusion, despair and countless other afflictions romance causes. Robin Hannibal has his own story as well. Moving across continents and oceans for a woman can cause the creation of delicate sensual melodies that leave you questioning whether you should stay or go.